Born in Oak Park, Illinois.
Lived in Chicago • San Francisco, California • Hydra, Greece • Rockland County, New York • Springfield, Illinois, and currently living in Oak Park, Illinois.
Traveled in Mexico, Central America, and Europe.
Student of life, people, circumstance, nature, and anything else available.
Granted tutalage at/with Goodman School of Theatre, Stone-Camryn School of Dance, San Francisco City Ballet, Keith Allison Dance, The Art Institute of Chicago, Midwest Aikido Center, Regina Taittes African Dance, Muntu Dance, Nejwa Dance, Sundance MPA, Joel Hall Dancers & Center, and many wonderful teachers.
BFA(‘75) & MFA (‘77) School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Member: National Association of PhotoShop Professionals,
Graphic Artist Guild, Chicago Chapter
• Honorable Mention, 2008, Momentum: Images of Dance —
Elthel Walker School Art Gallery, Simsbury, CN
• Motion and Form, Karen Solem Gallery, Elmhurst, IL

• Volunteer photo retouching for Better Futures International
• Volunteer Photographer for Green Festival Chicago 2008, 09, 10, 12
photos on web -
• First Place Graphic Design, 2001, 80 Year Logo for Tripp Lite Manufacturing, Chicago, IL 2001
• Served as Visiting Artist to the Art and the Social Studies
departments of Sangamon State University, Springfield, IL, 1980
• Photographs of dance displayed:
in photo gallery at and in JHDC 2008 calendar,
The Ashland, Chicago, IL, and
Perillo Wholistic Health Center, Boulder, Co.
• Recognized for photos on websites: Joel Hall Dancers and Center (,
Duwane Pendarvis & Company Dance Theatre (, &,
Bistro Bordeaux ( .



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